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Monday, November 9, 2009

I did a SMALL picture and a BIG one

Friday, November 6, 2009

Savannahs pictures.

Okay... so my computer is being retarted and wont let me upload the pictures... so when it does i will upload them... later.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Here are some more.

Hey here is my pictures
We have a plum tree and piles of leaves.
Hey everyone!!!! Well... actually the 2 of you that are following... Our next theme will be... well... we get to choose our own theme. We will explain what it is when we post our pics.
Halloween morning... 3:30 am... SO FUN!!! Teddy woke me up by falling on my face and Lexi woke me up by saying HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! The pumpkins did not wake me up...